Saturday, June 28, 2008

Are You Ready To Da'wah?


Once in a blue moon, every Muslim would face a test of their iman and their knowledge. It's at this moment when they begin to wonder if they've learnt enough about Islam.

"Womaaaaan... why you must cover your head?"
"Eyyy brudder, can die ar if don't go for Friday prayers? And why only guys ar?"
"Haaa.... fasting month already? Eh I want to ask, why must Muslims fast?"
"Why can't you Muslims eat pork?"

And that's how the Dakwah Talk camp was born. (:

Organised by TP Nur Ikhwan, NYP Malay Students Network and Nady (An-Nadhah Youth), the camp was held at An-Nadhah for 2 nights 2 days, from 20th June-22nd June. 10 of us from SPMLS attended the camp.

(From left to right)
Muslimin: Sadiq, Abdillah, Farhan, Sufyan, Fahmi, Saiful (not in pic)
Muslimah: Rohani, Mahirah, Syakirah, Ahlina

And because we all believe sharing is caring, we're gonna share what we learnt here with you all :D

Characteristics of a Da'i:
  • Knowledgable
  • Sincere
  • Abstain from 'Ujub (perceiving yourself as better than everyone else)
  • Tawadhu' (humble)
  • Exceptional Akhlak (good behaviour)
  • Sufficient Knowledge
  • Mature
  • Patient, never gives up
  • Prioritises the principles
  • Forgiving and open-minded

Methods of Da'wah:

By the hand (action)
By the tongue (advice)
By the heart (hate what he/she is
doing, not the person himself/herself)

This is in accordance with the hadith below:

On the authority of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:

"When any one of you sees anything that is disapproved (of by Allah), let him change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his heart, though that is the weakest (kind of) faith."


Effective Ways of Da'wah

1) Set aside time
  • Choose an appropriate time
  • Focus
  • Advice
2) Give encouragement and praise
  • Praise good deeds
  • Make use of physical touching (with respect to segregation)
3) Be an example
  • Become a role model
  • Follow and perform Allah's commands
4) Find the positive
  • Think positive
  • Start off your advice to someone by telling him the positive aspect of his deed
5) Etiquettes of da'wah with non-Muslims
  • Keep in mind that you are an ambassador of Islam (ie you represent Muslims WORLDWIDE)
  • Don't regard their questions as insults
  • Be polite
  • Be a good example
  • Du'a
6) Keep in mind that it starts because of Allah and ends because of Allah
  • You da'wah only because of Allah, and in the end it should guide others towards loving Allah more
7) Da'wah is also to spread good deeds, behaviour and actions

*It's important to have a group of people for you to consult with and to support you when you da'wah*

"Lo! Allah loveth them who battle for His cause in ranks, as if they were a solid structure."

"Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berperang untuk membela ugamaNya, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi, seolah-olah mereka sebuah bangunan yang tersusun kukuh."

Surah As-Saff, Ayat 4

Challenges in Da'wah

(We started off by analysing Surah 103, Al-'Asr,)

Main messages of Surah Al-'Asr:

  1. Time
  2. Mankind loses out
  3. Except for those strong in Iman
  4. And do good works
  5. Advice: The Truth
  6. Advice: Patience
The ones in green are the steps one must take before attempting to da'wah
  • Learn and understand our 2 important resources: Al-Qur'an and the hadiths
  • Try to learn the process
  • Implement & Practice
  • Ibadah is holistic, it's not restricted to rituals
The ones who are weak in their ibadah cannot guide those who are strong
The ones who are strong in their ibadah can guide others who are strong, and the ones who are weak
The ones who are strong in ibadah, and have the right to da'wah are not necessarily restricted to the ulama' and asatizah

Aim of Da'wah:
  • To bring out the goodness with others (everyone is born in a state of fitrah)
"So set thy purpose (O Muhammad) for religion as a man by nature upright - the nature (framed) of Allah, in which He hath created man. There is no altering (the laws of) Allah's creation. That is the right religion, but most men know not-"

"(Setelah jelas kesesatan syirik itu) maka hadapkanlah dirimu (engkau dan pengikut-pengikutmu, wahai Muhammad) ke arah ugama yang jauh dari kesesatan; (turutlah terus) ugama Allah, iaitu ugama yang Allah menciptakan manusia (dengan keadaan bersedia dari semulajadinya) untuk menerimanya; tidaklah patut ada sebarang perubahan pada ciptaan Allah itu; itulah ugama yang betul lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui."

(Surah Ar-Rum, Ayat 30)

  • - It's not about convincing others, it's about making them understand. It's just sharing (:

We might have missed out some things we learnt during the camp, sorry about that (:
InsyaAllah if we remember them, we will share with you guys in the next Taman Ilmu session. We don't really have the answers to the questions at the beginning of this post, although we did try to figure them out as best as we could during the role-play session.

Here are some photos of the camp! Enjoy!


Guys 1st Meet

Girls 1st Meet

Nama saya _______ , nama awak?


Mystery Game (Sempat ambik gambar!)

Solving the Mystery

Mascot of Duyung (supposedly their interpretation of the mystery item)
Meet The Duyungs in the group pix below :P


Qur'an Search


Characteristics of Da'i Pt 2 with Ustaz Yusri



Alamak! Missed!

Bro Helmy giving his talk

The Groups!

The Duyungs

The girls just LOVE taking photos :D

While the guys talk serious business

Counting their 'money' and allocating budgets

The 'masjids' of 2055

Discussing skit

"Pork very nice, you know!"

"Sadiqah" :P

One very excited Bhaiyya

Awaiting 'verdict'

Bujang Lapok, Muthusamy and PCK

Letters to ourselves


Insya'Allah we'll meet again (:

Images courtesy of Syakirah, D-Talk Blog, TPNI & NYPMSN

Thank you very very much to TPNI, NYPMSN & NADY for organising this camp, it has definitely benefitted us! Barakallahu feekum!

And that's all folks! Keep a look out for our next Taman Ilmu session!

Jazaakallahu Khair!


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