Saturday, July 12, 2008

The First Impromptu T.I. Session


Last Thursday, 10 July, we had an impromptu Taman Ilmu session after we jemaah'ed our Maghrib prayers. It was the first in the history of Taman Ilmu (chey chey) but Insya'Allah it won't be the last, because it's interesting way of testing your knowledge.

So what was the topic about?


It was initiated by Brother Hilmi and assisted by Brother Farhan. Everyone was asked to give the age they aim to get married at and three characteristics they want in their life partners.

To summarise, the average age of marriage for everyone in that group is 27 and the three most common characteristics everyone looks out for in their life partner is patience, respect and how strong they are in their religion.

You never know when we might have a random sharing session again so keep on dropping by MLS and be prepared to think on your feet! :D

Jazaakallahu Khair!


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